Since all human beings have all three nature’s Gunas – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, there is an innate propensity to become fully Divine (influence of Sattva) or exaggerate the demonic propensity (influence of Rajas and Tamas). Undisciplined and unawakened action of Rajas and Tamas leads the human being to become demonic, leading to self-destruction, damage to societal harmony, and undermines the inalienable sanctity of human being, all life forms and the creation.
SriKrishna describes what happens when one functions under the influence of ego – Ahankara , and Rajas and Tamas qualities are given free play. After this extensive dealing with the positive, upward growth, SriKrishna also reveals in Chapter 16 what would happen if one fails to recognize and accept the Divine in nature. Such a person becomes a positive force to draw everyone to his nature and uplift the society. Then, one becomes essentially Divine with inexhaustible energy. With this knowledge, one can increase the Sattva quality in all aspects of life until it becomes a natural disposition. One timeless, formless – Divine Being appears as all forms and sustains all the entities in the universe. The mediator for this divine transformation of all action is to know that there is a higher unchanging aspect in all creatures and the physical world, which is infinite. Thus, one does not get engrossed or get carried away in his lower nature driven by ego and the attendant Gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The main assets one needs for this are: proper discrimination of doable and not doable, duty and non-duty, choosing and engaging in doable actions of duty with enthusiasm, equanimity of mind to success and setback, performing actions as an offering the all-pervading Divine, acceptance of results as a gift from the Divine. To choose the right action and do it with perfection, one has to think, act and live in the Divine. Then, a description of how diversity of life forms and varieties of natures originate was given in Chapters 13 and 14 and the beautiful description of the Supreme Divine Being in Chapter 15.

This dialogue, started in Chapter 7, reaching a climax with the grand vision of HIS Cosmic form in Chapter 11. SriKrishna has described the whole science of right action, Jnyana with Vijnyana, spiritual knowledge with objective knowledge, as the basis to decide the right action and carry it to the highest perfection. Daivaasura Sampadvibhaaga Yoga Divine and Demonic Natures